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Variation in the Detection of Serrated Polyps in an Average Risk Colorectal Cancer Screening Cohort. Jeremy T Hetzel BS, MPH, Christopher S Huang MD, Jennifer A Coukos BS, Kelsey Omstead BS, Sandra R Cerda MD, Shi Yang MD, Michael J O’Brien MD, MPH and Francis A Farraye MD, MSc. Am J Gastroenterol 2010.
The serrated Polyp Pathway to Colorectal Carcinoma. Michael J O’Brien, Shi Yang, Christopher S Huang, Courtney Shepherd, Sandra Cerda, Francis A Farraye. Diagnostic Histopathology 2008.
The “cecal patch” in patients with ulcerative colitis, Kleanthis Dendrinos, MD, Sandra Cerda, MD, Francis A. Farraye, MD, MSc. GastroIntestinal Endoscopy, 2008.
“New Transcription Factor that regulates TNF-a gene expression, LITAF (Lipopolysaccharide Induced TNF-a Factor) is Increased in Intestinal Tissues from Patients with Crohn’s Disease and Ulcerative Colitis”. Stucchi Arthur PhD, Reed Karen, PhD, O’Brien Michael MD, MPH, Cerda Sandra MD, Andrews Charles MD, Gower Adam MS, Bushell Kristen BS, Leeman Susan PhD, Amar Salomon DDS, PhD, Becker James MD. Inflammatory Bowel Diseases Dec 2006
Placental Inflammatory Response is Associated with Poor Neonatal Growth: A Preterm Birth Cohort Study. Mestan, Karen; Yu, Yunxian; Matoba, Nana; Cerda, Sandra; Demmin, Bethany; Pearson, Colleen; Ortiz, Katherin; Wang, Xiaobin. Pediatrics, 2010.
Maternal Cigarette Smoking, Metabolic Gene Polymorphisms, and Preterm Delivery: New Insights on GxE Interactions and Pathogenic Pathways Hui-Ju Tsai, MPH, PhD1,Xin Liu, MD, PhD1, Karen Mestan, MD2, Yunxian Yu, MD, PhD, Shanchun Zhang, MD, PhD, Colleen Pearson, BA, Katherin Ortiz, BA, Barry Zuckerman, MD, Howard Bauchner, MD, Sandra Cerda, MD, Phillip G. Stubblefield, MD6, Xiping Xu, MD, PhD, Xiaobin Wang, MD, MPH, ScD. Human Genetics, 2008.
Impact of Clinical and Histologic Correlates Fetal Inflammatiory response on Gestational Age in Preterm Births. Munish Gupta, MD MMSc , Camilia R. Martin, MD MS, Colleen Pearson, BA,Lingling Fu, MS, Barry S. Zuckerman, MD, Howard Bauchner, MD, Phillip Stubblefield, MD, John M. Kasznica, MD, Milton Kotelchuck, PhD MPH, Paul H. Wise, MD MPH, Jerome Klein, MD, Sandra Cerda, MD, Xiaobin Wang, MD MPH ScD. The Journal of Maternal-Fetal & Neonatal Medicine 2007, vol 20 (1); 39-46.
“Quantitative analysis of allele imbalance supports atypical ductal hyperplasia lesions as direct breast cancer precursors”. PS Larson, A de las Morenas, SR Cerda, SR Bennett, AL Cupples and CL Rosenberg. J Pathol 2006, 209: 307-316.


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