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Fossøy F, Sorenson MD, Liang W, Ekrem T, Moksnes A, Møller AP, Rutila J, Røskaft E, Takasu F, Yang C, Stokke BG (2016) Ancient origin and maternal inheritance of blue cuckoo eggs. Nature Communications 7, 10272.
DaCosta JM, Sorenson MD (2016) ddRAD-seq phylogenetics based on nucleotide, indel, and presence-absence polymorphisms: analyses of two avian genera with contrasting histories. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 94, 122-135.
Wilder AP, Kunz TH, Sorenson MD (2015) Population genetic structure of a common host predicts the spread of white-nose syndrome, an emerging infectious disease in bats. Molecular Ecology 24, 5495-5506.
DaCosta JM, Sorenson MD (2014) Amplification biases and consistent recovery of loci in a double-digest RAD-seq protocol. PLoS One 9: e106713.
Spottiswoode CN, Stryjewski KF, Quader S, Colebrook-Robjent JFR, Sorenson MD. (2011). Ancient host specificity within a single species of brood parasitic bird. Proceedings of the National Academy of Science USA 43: 17738-17742.
Turmelle AS, Kunz TH, Sorenson MD (2011) A tale of two genomes: contrasting patterns of phylogeographic structure in a widely distributed bat. Molecular Ecology 20: 357-75.
McCracken KG, Barger CP, Bulgarella M, Johnson KP, Sonsthagen SA, Trucco J, Valqui TH, Wilson RE, Winker K, Sorenson MD. (2009.) Parallel evolution in the major hemoglobin genes of eight species of Andean waterfowl. Molecular Ecology 18: 3992–4005.
Sorenson MD, Oneal E, Garcia-Moreno J, Mindell DP (2003). More taxa, more characters: The hoatzin problem is still unresolved. Molecular Biology and Evolution 20, 1484-1498.


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