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Sagar M, Laeyendecker O, Lee S, Gamiel J, Wawer MJ, Gray RH, Serwadda D, Sewankambo NK, Shepherd JC, Toma J, Huang W, Quinn TC. 2009. Selection of HIV variants with signature genotypic characteristics during heterosexual transmission. J Infec Dis. 199: 580-9. PMID: 19143562
Etemad B, Fellows A, Kamat A, Kwambana B, Sagar M. 2009. HIV-1 V1-V5 envelope variants from the chronic phase of infection use CCR5 and fuse more efficiently than those from early after infection J Virol. 83(19):9694-708. PMID: 19625411
Sagar M, Akiyama H, Etemad B, Ramirez N, Freitas I, Gummuluru S. 2012. Transmembrane Domain Membrane Proximal External Region but not Surface Unit Directed Broadly Neutralizing HIV-1 Antibodies can Restrict Dendritic Cell Mediated HIV-1 Trans Infection. J Infect Dis. 205(8):1248-57. PMID: 22396600
Chatziandreou N, Belen Arauz A, Freitas I, Nyein PH, Fenton G, Mehta SH,. Kirk GD Sagar M. 2012. Sensitivity changes over the course of infection increases the likelihood of resistance against fusion but not CCR5 receptor blockers. AIDS Res Hum Retroviruses 28(12):1584-93. PMID: 22650962
Redd AD, Collinson-Streng AN, Chatziandreou N, Mullis CE, Laeyendecker O, Martens C, Ricklefs S, Kiwanuka N, Nyein PH, Lutalo T, Kong X, Manucci J, Sewankambo N, Wawer MJ, Gray RH, Porcella SF, Fauci AS, Sagar M, Serwadda D, and Quinn TC. 2012. Previously transmitted HIV-1 viral strains are preferentially selected during subsequent sexual transmissions. J Infect Dis. 206(9):1433-42. PMID: 22997233
Lin N, Becerril, C, Giguel F, Novitsky V, Moyo S, Makhema J, Essex M, Lockman S, Kuritzkes D, Sagar M. 2012. Env Sequence Determinants in CXCR4-using Human Immunodeficiency Virus Type-1 Subtype C. Virol. 433(2):296-307. PMID: 22954962


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