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Lee, J., W. Reiter, I. Dohnal, C. Gregori, S. Beese-Sims, K. Kuchler, G. Ammerer, and D. E. Levin (2013). MAPK Hog1 closes the S. cerevisiae glycerol channel Fps1 by phosphorylating and displacing its positive regulators. Genes & Dev. 27:2590-2601.
Beese-Sims, S. E., S-J Pan, J. Lee, E. Hwang-Wong, B. P. Cormack, and D. E. Levin. (2012). Mutants in the Candida glabrata glycerol channels are sensitive to cell wall stress. Euk. Cell, 11:1512-1519.
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Sobering, A. K., R. Watanabe, M. J. Romeo, B. C. Yan, C. A. Specht, P. Orlean, H. Riezman, and D. E. Levin. (2004). Yeast Ras regulates the complex that catalyzes the first step in GPI-anchor biosynthesis at the ER. Cell 117:637-648.


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