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Agosto, LM, Gagne, M, Henderson AJ. 2015. Impact of Chromatin on HIV Replication. Genes 6:957-976. PMID: 26437430
Kaczmarek Michaels K, Wolschendorf F, Schiralli Lester GM, Natarajan M, Kutsch O, Henderson AJ. 2015. RNAP II processivity is a limiting step for HIV-1 transcription independent of orientation to and activity of endogenous neighboring promoters. Virology 486:7-14. PMID: 26379089
Kaczmarek Michaels, K, M Natarajan, Z Euler, G Alter, G Viglianti and A Henderson. 2015. Blimp-1, an Intrinsic Factor that Represses HIV-1 Proviral Transcription in Memory CD4 T cells. J. Immunol. 94:3267-3274. PMID: 25710909
Collins, MH and AJ Henderson. 2014. Transcriptional Regulation and T cell Exhaustion. Curr. Opin HIV AIDS 9:459-463. PMID: 25010896
Cary, DC, JE Clements, and AJ Henderson. 2013. RON Receptor Tyrosine Kinase, a Negative Regulator of Inflammation, is Decreased During SIV-associated Central Nervous System Disease. J. Immunol. 191:4280-4287. PMID: 24043899
Natarajan, M, GS Schiralli-Lester, C Lee, GA Wasserman, A Missra, M Steffan, DS Gilmour and AJ Henderson. 2013. RNA Polymerase II Pausing Coupled with Premature Termination and Chromatin Remodeling Regulates HIV-1 Latency. J. Biol. Chem. 288:25995-26003. PMID: 23884411
Kaczmarek, K, A Morales and AJ Henderson. 2013. T Cell Transcription Factors and Their Impact on HIV Expression. Virology: Research and Treatment. 4:41-47.
Schiralli Lester GM, H Akiyama, E Evans, J Singh, S Gummuluru and AJ Henderson. 2013. Interleukin 2-inducible T cell Kinase (ITK) Facilitates Efficient Egress of HIV-1 by Coordinating Gag Distribution and Actin Organization. Virology. 436:235-43. PMID: 23260110
Schiralli Lester GM and AJ Henderson. 2012. Mechanisms of HIV Transcriptional Regulation and Their Contribution to Latency. Mol Biol Int. 2012:614120. PMID: 22701796
Natarajan M, A August and AJ Henderson. 2010. Combinatorial Signals from CD28 Differentially Regulate Human Immunodeficiency Virus Transcription in T cells. J Biol Chem. 285:17338-17347. PMID: 20368329
Readinger JA, GM Schiralli, JK Jiang, CJ Thomas, A August, AJ Henderson and PL Schwartzberg. 2008. Selective Targeting of ITK Blocks Multiple steps of HIV Replication. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 105:6684-6689. PMID: 18443296


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