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PhD, Rockefeller University


"Neural circuits, vocal learning, time-frequency analysis, brain-machine interfaces""Areas of Interestr
The mechanisms of temporal sequence perception and production, focusing on vocal learning in songbirdsr
Research Areasr
The Gardner lab studies the mechanisms of temporal sequence perception and production, focussing on vocal learning in songbirds.r
The song circuit produces stereotyped structure over a range of time-scales from milliseconds to tens of seconds. We ask how complex songs are assembled from elementary neural units. What are the relationships between patterns of neural activity on different time-scales?r
The lab also studies information processing in auditory cortex, examining how auditory signals are transformed as they move from low to high level sensory areas. How are memories for temporal patterns formed?r
To address these questions, we develop minimally invasive electrodes that provide stable neural recordings in behaving animals. We also develop high-resolution signal processing algorithms for auditory and neural time-series."""


Lissandrello, Charles A., Winthrop F. Gillis, Jun Shen, Ben W. Pearre, Flavia Vitale, Matteo Pasquali, Bradley J. Holinski, Daniel J. Chew, Alice E. White, and Timothy J. Gardner (2017) “A micro-scale printable nanoclip for electrical stimulation and recording in small nerves.” Journal of Neural Engineering 14, no. 3 (2017): 036006.
YoonSEO((Search Engine Optimization))b Lim, Ryan Lagoy, Barbara Shinn-Cunningham, Timothy J. Gardner (2016) “Transformation of temporal sequences in the zebra finch auditory system.” eLife 2016;5:eLife.18205.
Liberti III, William A., Jeffrey E. Markowitz, L. Nathan Perkins, Derek C. Liberti, Daniel P. Leman, Grigori Guitchounts, Tarciso Velho, Darrell N. Kotton, Carlos Lois, and Timothy J. Gardner (2016) “Unstable neurons underlie a stable learned behavior.” Nature Neuroscience 19, no. 12 (2016): 1665-1671.
Guitchounts G, Markowitz JE, Liberti WE, Gardner TJ (2013) A carbon-fiber electrode array for long-term neural recording. J. Neural. Eng. 10; 046016.
Markowitz, JE, Ivie E, Kligler K, Gardner TJ (2013) Long-range order in canary song. PLoS Comp. Bio:9(5):e1003052.
Lim Y, BG Shinn-Cunningham, Gardner TJ (2012) Sparse contour representations of sound. IEEE Signal Processing Letters 19(10) 684-687.
Poole B, Markowitz JE, Gardner TJ (2012) The song must go on: Resilience of the songbird vocal motor pathway. PLoS ONE 7(6): e38173. 0038173.
Gardner TJ, Naef F, Nottebohm F (2005) Freedom and rules: the acquisition and reprogramming of a bird’s learned song. Science 308, 1046-9.


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