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Stefanik DJ, Lubinski TJ, Granger BR, Byrd AL, Reitzel AM, DeFilippo L, Lorenc A, Finnerty JR (2014). Production of a reference transcriptome and transcriptomic database (EdwardsiellaBase) for the lined sea anemone, Edwardsiella lineata, a parasitic cnidarian. BMC Genomics. 15: 71.
Reitzel AM, Chu T, Edquist S, Genovese C, Church C, Tarrant AM, Finnerty JR (2013). Physiological and developmental responses to temperature by the estuarine sea anemone Nematostella vectensis: evidence for local adaptation to high temperatures. Mar. Ecol. Prog. Ser. 484: 115-130.
Traylor-Knowles N, Granger BR, Lubinski T, Parikh JR, Garamszegi S, Xia Y, Marto JA, Kaufman L, Finnerty JR (2011). Production of a reference transcriptome and a transcriptomic database (PocilloporaBase) for the cauliflower coral, Pocillopora damicornis. BMC Genomics. 12: 585.
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Reitzel AM, Sullivan JC, Brown BK, Chin DW, Cira EK, Edquist SK, Genco BM, Joseph OC, Kaufman CA, Kovitvongsa K, Muñoz MM, Negri TL, Taffel JR, Zuehlke RT, Finnerty JR. (2007). Ecological and developmental dynamics of a host-parasite system involving a sea anemone and two ctenophores. J. Parasitology 93, 1392-1402.
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Martindale MQ, Pang K, Finnerty JR. (2004). Investigating the origins of triploblasty: “Mesodermal” gene expression in a diploblastic animal, the sea anemone, Nematostella vectensis (phylum, Cnidaria; Class Anthozoa). Development. 131, 2463-2474.


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