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Larson DL, TG Christensen, GD Sagar, EC Beyer. TGF-beta1 induces an accumulation of connexin43 in a lysosomal compartment in endothelial cells. Endothelium 2001; 8:255-60.
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Segel MJ, R Aqeilan, K Zilka, H Lorberboum-Galski, SB Wallach-Dayan, MW Conner, TG Christensen, R Breuer. Effect of IL-2-Bax, a novel interleukin-2-receptor-targeted chimeric protein, on bleomycin lung injury. Int J Exp Path 2005; 86: 279-88.
Shapira OM, BR Eskenazi, E Anter, L Joseph, TG Christensen, CT Hunter, HL Lazar, JA Vita, RJ Shemin, JF Keaney Jr. Endoscopic versus conventional radial artery harvest for coronary artery bypass grafting: Functional and histological assessment of the conduit. J Thoracic Cardiovasc Surg, 2006; 131:388-94.


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