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Pieck, M., Y. Yuan, J. Godfrey, C. Fisher, S. Zolj, D. Vaughan, N. Thomas, C. Wu, J. Ramos, N. Lee, J. Normanly and J. L. Celenza (2015). Auxin and tryptophan homeostasis are facilitated by the ISS1/VAS1 aromatic aminotransferase in Arabidopsis. Genetics. Published online doi: 10.1534/genetics.115.180356.
Nonhebel HM, Al-Amier H, Pieck M, Akor E, Ahamed A, Cohen JD, Celenza JL, Normanly J (2010). Redirection of Trp metabolism in tobacco by ectopic expression of an Arabidopsis indolic glucosinolate biosynthetic gene. Phytochemistry. Published online doi:10.1016/j.phytochem.2010.10.01.
Bender J and Celenza JL (2009). Indolic glucosinolates at the crossroads of tryptophan metabolism. Phytochem Rev 8, 25-37.
Ljung K, Hull AK, Celenza JL, Yamada M, Estelle M, Normanly J, Sandberg G (2005). Sites and regulation of auxin biosynthesis in Arabidopsis roots. Plant Cell 17, 1090-1104.
Celenza, JL, Quiel JA, Smolen GA, Merrikh H, Silvestro A, Normanly J, Bender J (2005). The Arabidopsis ATR1 Myb transcription factor controls indolic glucosinolate homeostasis. Plant Physiol. 137, 253-262.
DiDonato RJ, Arbuckle E, Buker S, Sheets J, Tobar J, Totong R, Grisafi P, Fink GR, Celenza JL (2004). Arabidopsis ALF4 encodes a nuclear-localized protein required for lateral root formation. Plant J. 37, 340-353.
Zhao Y, Hull AK, Gupta NR, Goss K, Normanly J, Chory J, Celenza JL (2002). Trp-dependent auxin biosynthesis in Arabidopsis: involvement of cytochrome P450s CYP79B2 and CYP79B3. Genes Dev. 16, 3100-3112.
Ljung K, Hull AK, Kowalczyk M, Marchant A, Celenza JL, Cohen JD, Sandberg G (2002). Biosynthesis, conjugation, catabolism and homeostasis of indole-3-acetic acid in Arabidopsis thaliana Plant Mol. Biol. 49, 249-272.
Celenza JL. (2001). Natural products derived from the N-hydroxylation of tyrosine and tryptophan. Curr. Opin. Plant Biol. 4, 234-240.


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