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B.Sc., Cornell Universityr
Ph.D., Brown University
Research Associate, The James Franck Institute, The University of Chicago


Haran, T. E.; Cohen, I.; Spasic, A.; Yang, K.; Mohanty, U. “Dynamics of Curved DNA Molecules: Prediction and Experiment.” J. Am. Chem. Soc. 125, 11160-11161 (2003).r
Haran, T. E.; Cohen, I.; Spasic, A.; Yang, K.; Mohanty, U. “Characteristics of Migration Patterns of DNA Oligomers in Gels and its Relationship to the Question of Intrinsic DNA Bending.” J. Am. Chem. Soc. 126, 2372-2377 (2004).r
Mohanty, U.; “Fragility Metrics in Glass-Forming Liquids.” Adv. Chem. Phys. 129, 73-105 (2004).r
Spasic. A.; Yang, K.; Mohanty, U. “Towards a Model for the Mobility of Circularly Permuted DNA Fragments in Gel.” Ed. Somasundaran, P.; Markovic, B., American Chemical Society Symposium Series Vol 69, #878, 149-166 (2004).r
Spasic, A.; Hess, G.; Becker, K. A.; Hansen, M.; Bleil, R.; Mohanty, U. “Asymmetric Charge Neutralization of DNA.” Ed. Stellwagen, N. C. and Mohanty, U., American Chemical Society Symposium Series #884, Chapter 6, 133-143 (2004).r
Mohanty, U.; Spasic, A.; Kim, H. D.; Chu, S. “Ion Atmosphere of Three-Way Junction Nucleic Acid.” J. Phys. Chem. B. 109, 21267-21272 (2005).r
Schultes, E.; Spasic, A.; Mohanty, U.; Bartel, D. “Collapse of Randomly Generated RNA Sequences.” Nature and Structural Biology 12, 1130-1136 (2005).r
Taubes, C. H.; Mohanty, U.; Chu, S. “Ion Atmosphere Around Nucleic Acid.” J. Phys. Chem. B. 109, 21267-21272 (2005).r
Casalini, R.; Mohanty, U.; Roland, C. M. “Thermodynamic Interpretation of the Scaling Dynamics of Supercooled Liquids.” J. Chem. Phys. 125, 014505-014513(2006).r
Mohanty, U.; Spasic, A. “Counterion Condensation in Nucleic acid.” Adv. Chem. Phys. Volume 139, 139-176 (2008).r
Mohanty, U. “Temperature Dependence of Relaxation Time in Adam-Gibbs Model of Glass-Forming Liquids: Fluctuation Effects.” Ed. Co, A.; Leal, L. G.; Colby, R. H.; Giacomin, A. J., America Institute of Physics Proceedings of XVth International Congress on Rheology 1027, 1324-1326 (2008).r
Spasic, A.; Sanyasi, S.; Mohanty, U.; Chu, S. “Polyelectrolyte Behavior and Kinetics of aa-tRNA on the Ribosome.” J. Phys. Chem. B 125, 014505-014513 (2008).r
Guo, Z.; Taubes, C. H.; Maher, J; Mohanty, U. “DNA on a Tube: Electrostatic Contribution to DNA Stiffness.” J. Phys. Chem. B 2008, 112, 16163-16169 (2008)r
Haran, T.; Mohanty, U. “The Unique Structure of A-tracts and Intrinsic DNA Bending.” Q. Rev. Biophys. 42, 41-81 (2009).r
Roberts, M.; Mohanty, U.; Redfield, A. “Phospholipids Reorientation at the Lipid/Water Interface Measured by High Resolution 31P NMR Field Cycling Spectroscopy.” Biophys. J. 97, 132-141 (2009).r
Guo, Z.; Mohanty, U.; Nohere, J.; Sawyer, T.; Sherman, W.; Krilov, G. “Probing the Alpha-Helical Stability of p53 Peptides: Molecular Dynamics Simulations and Analysis.” Chem. Biol. Drug. Design. 75, 348-359 (2010).r
Guo, Z.; Gibson, M.; Sanyasi, S.; Chu, S.; Mohanty, U. “Role of Large Thermal Fluctuations and Magnesium Ions in t-RNA Selectivity of the Ribosome.” Proc. Nat. Acad. USA. 108, 3947-51 (2011).r
Hayes, R. L.; Noel, J. K.; Mohanty, U.; Whitford, P.; Hennelly, S.; Onuchic, J. N.; Sanbonmatsu, K. “Magnesium Fluctuations Modulate RNA Dynamics in SAM-I Riboswitch.” J. Am. Chem. Soc. 134, 12043-12053 (2012).r
Guo, Z.; Streu, K.; Krilov, G.; Mohanty, U. “Probing the Origin of Single and Double Stapled p53 Analogs Bound to MDM2.” Chem. Biol. Drug. Design (≈19 journal pages, in press).
Hayes, R. L.; Noel, J. K.; Whitford, P.; Mohanty, U,; Sanbonmatsu, K.; Onuchic, J. N. “Reduced Model Captures Mg2 -RNA Interaction Free Energy of Riboswitches.” Biophysical J. (≈18 journal pages, in press).


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