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Inouye H, Kirschner DA (2015) Evolution of myelin ultrastructure and the major structural myelin proteins. Brain Research, Oct 28. pii: S0006-8993(15)00808-2. doi: 10.1016/j.brainres.2015.10.037.
Denninger AR, Breglio A, Maheras KJ, LeDuc G, Cristiglio V, Demé B, Gow A, Kirschner DA. (2015) Claudin-11 tight junctions in myelin are a barrier to diffusion and lack strong adhesive properties. Biophys J. Oct 6;109(7):1387-1397. doi: 10.1016/j.bpj.2015.08.012. PubMed PMID: 26445439.
Luoma AM, Kuo F, Cakici O, Crowther MN, Denninger AR, Avila RL, Brites P, Kirschner DA (2015) Plasmalogen phospholipids protect internodal myelin from oxidative damage. Free Radicals in Biology & Medicine, 84:296-310. doi: 10.1016/j.freeradbiomed.2015.03.012.
Heinecke KA, Luoma AM, d’Azzo A, Kirschner DA, Seyfried TN (2015) Myelin abnormalities in the optic and sciatic nerves in mice with GM1-gangliosidosis. ASN Neuro, Jan-Feb 2015 7: 1759091415568913, first published on February 18, 2015; doi:10.1177/1759091415568913.
Denninger AR, Demé, B, Cristiglio V, LeDuc G, Feller WB, Kirschner DA (2014) Neutron scattering from myelin revisited: bilayer asymmetry and water-exchange kinetics. Acta Crystallographica D70: 3198-3211. doi: 10.1107/S1399004714023815.
Inouye H, Liu J, Makowski L, Palmisano M, Burghammer M, Riekel C, Kirschner DA (2014) Myelin organization in the nodal, paranodal, and juxtaparanodal regions revealed by scanning x-ray microdiffraction. PLoS ONE 9(7):e100592. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0100592. 知行礼动
Krishnan R, Tsubery H, Proschitsky MY, Asp E, Lulu M, Gilead S, Gartner M, Waltho JP, Davis PJ, Hounslow AM, Kirschner DA, Inouye H, Myszka DG, Wright J, Solomon B, Fisher RA (2014) A bacteriophage capsid protein is a general amyloid interaction motif (GAIM) that binds and remodels misfolded protein assemblies. Journal of Molecular Biology 426(13):2500-19. doi: 10.1016/j.jmb.2014.04.015. Epub 2014 Apr 22..
Da Silva TF, Eira J, Lopes A, Malheiro AR, Sousa V, Luoma AM, Avila RL, Wanders R, Just W, Kirschner DA, Sousa MM, Brites P (2014) Peripheral nervous system plasmalogens regulate Schwann cell differentiation and myelination, J Clinical Investigation 124(6):2560-70. doi: 10.1172/JCI72063. Epub 2014 Apr 24.
Ahmed SS, Li H, Cao C, Sikoglu EM, Denninger AR, Su Q, Eaton S, Liso A, Xie J, Szucs S, Zhang H, Moore C, Kirschner DA, Seyfried TN, Flotte TR, Matalon R, and Gao G (2013) A single intravenous rAAV injection as late as P20 achieves efficacious and sustained CNS gene-therapy in Canavan mice. Molecular Therapy 21(12):2136-47. doi: 10.1038/mt.2013.138. Epub 2013 Jul 2.
Patzkó A, Bai Y, Saporta MA, Katona I, Wu XY, Wrabetz L, Feltri ML, Wang S, Dillon LM, Kamholz J, Kirschner DA, Sarkar F, Shy ME (2012) Curcumin derivatives promote Schwann cell differentiation and improve neuropathy in R98C CMT1B mice. Brain 135:3551-66. doi: 10.1093/brain/aws299.
Saporta MAC, Shy BR, Patzko A, Bai Y, Pennuto M, Ferri C, Tinelli E, Saveri P, Kirschner DA, Crowther M, Southwood C, Gow A, Wu X, Feltri ML, Wrabetz L, Shy ME (2012) MpzR98C arrests Schwann cell development in a mouse model of early-onset Charcot-Marie-Tooth 1B. Brain 135:2032-2047. doi: 10.1093/brain/aws140.
Jiang H, Kiebish MA, Kirschner DA, Han X (2012) Multi-dimensional mass spectrometry-based shotgun lipidomics and its application for analysis of PEX7 mouse brain lipidome. In Lipidomics – Technologies and Applications (K Ekroos, ed.), Wiley-VCH, Weinheim, Germany.
Gilardini A, Avila RA, Luckett R, Lu J, Oggioni N, Rodruguez-Menendez V. Bossi M, Canta A, Cavaletti G, Kirschner DA (2012) Myelin structure is unaltered in chemotherapy-induced peripheral neuropathy. NeuroToxicology 33:1-7. doi: 10.1016/j.neuro.2011.10.010.
Echeverria V, Zeitlin R, Burgess S, Patel S, Barman A, Thakur G, Mamcarz M, Wang L, Sattelle DB, Kirschner DA, Mori T, Leblanc R, Prabhakar R, and Arendash GW (2011) Cotinine reduces amyloid-b aggregation and improves memory in Alzheimer’s mice. J Alz Dis 23:1-19. (link to PubMed abstract).
Avila RA, Inouye H, Feltri ML, Wrabetz L, Kirschner DA (2010) P0 (protein zero) mutation Ser34Cys underlies instability of internodal myelin in S63C mice. J Biol Chem, Oct 11. 285(53):42001-12.
Inouye, H., Gleason, K.A., Decatur, S.M., Kirschner, D.A. 2010. Differential effects of Phe19 and Phe20 on fibril formation by amyloidogenic peptide Aβ16-22 (Ac-KLVFFAE-NH2). Proteins: Structure, Function, and Bioinformatics 78: 2306–2321.
Kirschner, D.A., Avila, R.L., Luoma, A., Enzmann, G.U., Agrawal, D., Inouye, H., Bunge, M.B., Kocsis, J.D., Peters, A., Whittemore, S. 2010. Rapid assessment of internodal myelin integrity in CNS tissue. Journal of Neuroscience Research 88: 712–723.
Verheijen, M.H., Camargo, N., Nadra, K., de Preux, A.-S., Verdier, V., Luoma, A.M., Crowther, M., Inouye, H., Shimano, H., Chen, S., Brouwers, J., Helms, B.J., Feltri, M.L., Wrabetz, L., Kirschner, D.A., Chrast, R., Smit, A.B. 2009. SREBP cleavage activation protein (SCAP) is required for dynamic synthesis of a proper Schwann cell myelin membrane. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 106: 21383–8.
Agrawal, D., Hawk, R., Avila, R.L., Inouye, H., Kirschner, D.A. 2009. Internodal myelination during development quantitated using x-ray diffraction. Journal of Structural Biology 168: 521–526.
Kirschner, D.A., Karthigesan, J., Bizzozero, O.A., Kosaras, B., Inouye, H. 2009. Myelin structure and composition of myelinated tissue in the African lungfish. Neuron Glia Biology 4: 59–70.
Inouye, H., and Kirschner, D.A. 2008. Myelin: A one-dimensional biological “crystal” for x-ray and neutron scattering. In: Molecules: Aggregation, Nucleation, Crystallization — Beyond Medical and Other Implications (Eds. J. Sedzik, P. Riccio), World Scientific Publishing, Singapore.
Flores, A.I., Narayanan, S.P., Morse, E., Shick, H.B., Avila, R.L., Kirschner, D.A., and Macklin, W.B. 2008. Constitutively active Akt induces myelination in the central nervous system. The Journal of Neuroscience: The Official Journal of the Society for Neuroscience 28: 7174–83.
Kirschner, D.A., Gross, A.A., Hidalgo, M., Inouye, H., Gleason, K., Abdelsayed, G., Castillo, G.M., Snow, A.D., Pozo-Ramajo, A., Petty, S.A., and Decatur, S.M. 2008. Fiber diffraction as a screen for amyloid inhibitors. Current Alzheimer Research 5: 288–307.
Luo, X.Y., Cerullo, J., Dawli, T., Priest, C., Haddadin, Z., Kim, A., Inouye, H., Suffoletto, B.P., Avila, R.L., Lees, J.P., Sharma, D., Xie, B., Costello, C.E., and Kirschner, D.A. 2008. Peripheral myelin of Xenopus laevis: role of electrostatic and hydrophobic interactions in membrane compaction. Journal of Structural Biology 162: 170–183.
Luo, X., Inouye, H., Sharma, D., Lee, D., Avila, R.L., Salmona, M., and Kirschner, D.A. 2007. Cytoplasmic domain of zebrafish myelin P0: adhesive role depends on beta-conformation. Biophysical Journal 93: 3515–3528.


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