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张晓霞:女,电子科技大学光电信息学院教授,博士生导师。1987年四川大学理论物理专业研究生毕业,2001年获西南交通大学激光与光通信博士学位,2004年3月作为访问学者在英国伦敦帝国理工学院作访问学者。2012年8月作为访问学者在英国伦敦学院大学从事微波光子学理论等研究工作。目前主要从事集成光学理论及器件、光通信技术与器件等方面的研究工作。作为项目负责人作,已完成的相关科研课题:1. 国家高技术研究发展计划(863计划)\




1. Yue Wen, Xiaoxia Zhang, Huadong Liu, Chunyang Huang, Investigation of multilayer microstripe electrode for an asymmetric Mach–Zehnder modulator. Optical and Quantum Electronics, 2009, 41:1007–1017. 2. Zhang Xiaoxia, PanWei,Enhanced spontaneous emission factor for microcavity lasers, Chinese Optics Letters, 2008, Vol. 6 (6) pp. 411~414 3. 文玥, 张晓霞, 黄春阳, 沈杰. 基于Wheeler’s Conforming mapping 扩展变换法的聚合物电光调制器特性研究,物理学报,2011,60(10):104223 4. Zhang Xiaoxia, PanWei,An improved formula for the surface resistance of normal metals at millimeter wavelengths,Chinese Physics,2007, Vol. 16 (1) pp. 236~239 5. Xiaoxia Zhang, PanWei,Study on Spatial Dispersion Theory of Excess Conduction Loss in Normal Metals below Terahertz Frequencies, Applied Surface Science,2007, Vol. 253(17) pp. 7074~7077 6. Xiaoxia Zhang, PanWei,The spatial dispersion theory of excess conduction loss in normal metals at sub-millimeter wavelengths,International Journal of Infrared and Millimeter Waves. 2006, Vol. 27(10)pp.1415–1426 7. X. X. Zhang, PanWei,Theoretical calculation of turn-on delay time of VCSEL and effect of carriers recombination, Optics & Laser Technology. 2007, Vol. 39 (5) pp.997~1001 8. Yue Wen, Xiaoxia Zhang, Huadong Liu, Chunyang Huang, Jie Shen, Yan Zhu, Investigation of velocity and impedance matching for Electro-Optic modulator. Optical Engineering, 2011, 50(7): 071106. 9. Xionggui Tang , Jinkun Liao, Rongguo Lu, Heping Li, Xiaoxia Zhang, Lin Zhang, Yongzhi Liu Optical coding scheme for all-optical analog-to-digital conversion using asymmetrical Y-branch waveguide, Optics Communications, 284 (2011) 2298–2302 10. Xianqiong Zhong; Xiaoxia Zhang; Ke Cheng; Anping Xiang, Optical wave breaking in optical fibres with cubic-quintic nonlinearity, Optics Communications,Optics Communications 283 (2010) 5187–5191 11. GUO XiaoWei, ZHANG XiaoXia, LI HePing, LIU Yong, LIU YongZhi, A wide tuning range electro-optic filter based on long-period waveguide grating Chinese Science Bulletin, 2010, 55: 1338-1342 12. C. Y. Zhang, X. X. Zhang, P. X. Duan, S. D. Hou and H. D. Liu. Analysis of Electro-optic Modulators with in-plane Coplanar Waveguide Electrode. The 8th International Conference on the Optical Internet (COIN2009), Chengdu, China/NOV. 14-16, 2009 13. Liu Huadong, Zhang Xiaoxia, Wu Xianli, Zhang Qin, Liu Yongzhi, Study on relaxation oscillation of Er3 /Yb3 co-doped phosphate glass optical waveguide laser, Chinese Science Bulletin, 2009, 54: 3653-3657 14. Xianqiong Zhong, Xiaoxia Zhang, Anping Xiang, Ke Cheng, Evolution of hyperbolic-secant optical pulses towards wave breaking in quintic nonlinear fibers, Optics & Laser Technology 44 (2012) 669-674 15. Obtaining phase properties of a passive laser unstable resonators by processing the image of beam facula matrix, 6th International Conference on Wireless Communications, Networking and Mobile Computing, WiCOM, 2010 16. Yue Wen, Xiaoxia Zhang, Huadong Liu, Analysis and Design of a New Type Polymer Modulator Based on Asymmetric Mach-Zehnder Structure,The International Symposium on Photonics and Optoelectronics, 2010, Chengdu, June 19-21. 17. Experimental analysis of output phase properties for the high-power Q-switched Slab Nd: YAG laser, 6th International Conference on Wireless Communications 18. Kan Zhang, Shangjian Zhang, Xiaobin Bao, Dejun Chen, Shuang Liu, Xiaoxia Zhang, Yong Liu Holding Beam Injection for Improving Self-induced Polarization Rotation in a Semiconductor Optical Amplifier, 4th IEEE International Conference on Computer Science and Information Technology, 2011 19. Shangjian Zhang, Rongguo Lu, Shuang Liu, Xiaoxia Zhang and Yong Liu Fiber-Dispersion-Induced Signal Fading for Measuring High-frequency Modulation Efficiency of an Electrooptic Phase Modulator, IEEE International Topical Meeting on Microwave Photonics, 2011 20. Yuxi Liu, Xiaoxia Zhang, Properties of steady-state in Er3 Yb3 co-doped phosphate glass for optical waveguide laser Chinese Optics Letters, 2007, Vol. 5 (7) pp. 418~421


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