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我们可以使用一些常用的表达方式。例如,“It’s snowing”(下雪了)是最基础的表达方式,也是最为常见的一种。如果你想描述下雪的程度更为具体,可以使用“It’s snowing heavily/lightly”(下大雪/小雪)来表达。此外,我们也可以使用“We’ve got a snowstorm”(我们遇到了暴风雪)来形容下雪的猛烈程度。


关于下雪的英语俚语也很有趣。“It's a winter wonderland”(这真是个冬季仙境)是常用的一句。我们也可以说“Let it snow, let it snow, let it snow”(让雪一直下吧),这是一首经典的圣诞歌曲。俚语与歌曲的运用不仅能丰富我们的表达方式,同时还能让我们感受到冬季节日的温暖氛围。

除了以上这些基础表达方式和俚语,我们还可以用更具体的方式来形容下雪的情景。例如,“The snowflakes dance in the air”(雪花在空中翩翩起舞)或者“The world is covered in a blanket of snow”(整个世界被一层雪覆盖着)都是很形象的描述方式。




Winter in Canada is often characterized by heavy snowfalls, making it a winter wonderland for many. With an average snowfall of 133.5 centimeters per year, the country experiences some of the most severe and harsh winter conditions in the world. As a result, it’s not surprising to learn that many locals have multiple words to describe snow in English.

The most common term used to describe snow in Canada is simply “snow.” Snow falls from the sky as small, frozen ice crystals, which can vary in size and shape. Local Canadians can also use other idiomatic expressions to describe snow, such as “flurries,” “blizzard,” and “snowstorm.” “Flurries”refer to light snowfalls which may last for a short time, while “blizzards” signify heavy snowfalls, often accompanied by strong winds, which can make travelling dangerous. A “snowstorm” refers to any prolonged period of snowfall, which can cause significant disruptions to daily life.

In addition to these commonly used terms, Canada also has some unique phrases to describe different types of snow. For example, "corn snow" refers to snow that has a coarse and granular texture, while "powder" refers to snow that is so soft and fluffy that it can be easily blown away by the wind. Lastly, "slush" refers to snow that has been partially melted and mixed with water, creating a sloppy and slippery consistency.

Overall, Canadians are no strangers to snowfall, and it’s not surprising that they have a diverse range of words and expressions to describe this winter phenomenon. Whether you are enjoying a cozy day inside or braving the blustery weather, there is always a word to describe the type of snow you are experiencing in English. So the next time you are in Canada during winter, impress your local friends by accurately describing the type of snowfall that you are experiencing.


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