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How to say "very handsome" in English?

When it comes to describing someone as "very handsome" in English, there are a few options available. The first and most straightforward way to express this sentiment is to simply say "very handsome" - this phrase is widely recognized and used by native speakers of English around the world.

Alternatively, one could opt for a more colorful adjective to describe someone's good looks. Some examples might include "stunning," "dashing," "gorgeous," "striking," or "attractive." Each of these words conveys a slightly different flavor of admiration for someone's appearance, but all are commonly used in English to compliment someone's looks.

It's important to note that, while compliments about physical appearance can certainly be uplifting, they should always be given in a respectful and considerate manner. When complimenting someone's looks, it's important to strike a balance between sincerity and tact - nobody likes to feel objectified or reduced to their physical attributes.

In general, it's best to focus on acknowledging someone's inner qualities, such as their intelligence, kindness, humor, or creativity. These traits are often more meaningful and enduring than physical appearance, and are the true foundation of a deep and lasting connection between people.

In conclusion, while there are certainly ways to express admiration for someone's good looks in English, it's important to bear in mind that true beauty comes from within. By focusing on the positive qualities that make a person unique, we can build relationships that are based on genuine connection and understanding - rather than superficiality or objectification.



When it comes to describing someone as “very handsome” in English, there are many different phrases that one could use. Here are a few of the most popular options:

1. He is extremely good-looking.

This is a straightforward and classic way of describing someone who is handsome. It emphasizes the person’s physical appearance in a positive way and suggests that they have traditional good looks.

2. He is incredibly attractive.

This phrase is similar in meaning to the previous one, but it might sound a bit more casual or colloquial depending on the context of the conversation. It also signals that the speaker finds the person’s appearance very appealing.

3. He is stunningly handsome.

Adding the word “stunningly” to the sentence adds an extra layer of emphasis and awe. It implies that the person’s good looks are so impressive that they almost take the breath away.

4. He is drop-dead gorgeous.

This phrase is particularly dramatic and hyperbolic, but can be effective if the speaker wants to emphasize just how attractive they find the person in question. It suggests that the person’s looks are so striking that they could stun someone into being “dead” (although of course, no one is actually dying!).

5. He is so handsome, it’s almost unfair.

This phrase is a bit more playful and lighthearted than some of the others on the list. It suggests that the speaker thinks the person is incredibly good-looking, to the point where it almost seems unfair to the rest of the world.

Of course, there are many other ways to describe someone as “very handsome” in English! It’s always a good idea to consider the specific context and tone of the conversation when choosing phrase. Regardless of which phrase you choose, however, it’s clear that the person you’re talking about is definitely easy on the eyes!


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