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As an AI language model, I don't age, and technically don't have a lifespan. However, if you are asking how to say "how old are you" in English, then the phrase is "How old are you?"

English is a widely spoken language around the world and it is essential to communicate well in it, especially in a professional context. Age is a common topic conversation among people, and knowing how to ask or answer the question "how old are you?" is an important skill to master.

When asking someone their age in English, it is important to be polite and considerate. The phrase "how old are you?" can be seen as straightforward and not very tactful, especially when speaking to an older person. In such cases, alternatives like "May I ask how old are you?" or "Can I know your age, please?" can be used instead.

When answering the question "how old are you?" in English, you can respond with a simple number. For example, "I'm 25 years old." However, you can also use some more casual phrasing like "I am in my early 20s" or "I'm in my mid-thirties."

In addition, it is common to respond with some additional information after stating your age. For example, "I'm 25 years old and just finished my degree" or "I'm in my mid-thirties and have two children." This is a way to keep the conversation flowing and provide some context to your age.

In conclusion, asking and answering questions about age in English requires a certain level of social awareness and tactfulness. When speaking about one's age, it is important to remain polite and communicative to allow for a productive conversation. So, if you were wondering how to say "how old are you?" in English, now you know!



“How old are you?”是一个常见的英语交际问题,用来询问一个人的年龄。在回答这个问题时,除了报出准确的年龄数字外,还可以用一些其他的表达方式来回答。

如果你是一个小孩子,可以用“I am X years old”来回答。例如,“I am 5 years old.”(我五岁了)。如果你是一个成年人,你也可以用这个表达方式来回答。

如果你不想透露自己的确切年龄,你可以说“I'd rather not say”(我不想说)或者“I prefer to keep that to myself”(我想保留一下)。

另外,如果你觉得对方这个问题很奇怪或者很私人,你也可以用“Why do you ask?”(你为什么要问)来回答。这种回答可以让问这个问题的人感到有些尴尬,并且让他们明白问这个问题可能有些不合适。

在一些特殊情况下,你也可以用特殊的表达方式来回答。例如,如果你的生日很快到了,你可以说“Not long until my birthday”(我的生日快到了),或者“Just a few weeks until I turn X”(我再几个星期就要X岁了)。



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