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Passion fruit is a nutritious fruit with a sweet and tangy taste. Its scientific name is Passiflora edulis and it is commonly known as passionfruit or maracuya. The outer skin of the fruit is hard and covered in small wrinkles with a purple or yellow hue, while the interior is filled with small, black, edible seeds surrounded by a yellow, jelly-like flesh.

Passion fruit is native to South America, but it is now widely grown in many tropical and subtropical regions around the world, including Hawaii, Australia, and Southeast Asia. It is commonly used in juices, smoothies, desserts, and as a garnish in cocktails due to its unique flavor.

The passion fruit has a lot of health benefits as well. It is loaded with vitamin C, vitamin A, and potassium. It has also been shown to have anti-inflammatory properties, which can help with reducing the risk of chronic diseases. Additionally, it contains dietary fiber that aids in digestion and helps regulate blood sugar levels.

In some countries, passion fruit is known by different names. For example, in Spanish-speaking countries, it is known as maracuya, while in Brazil it is known as maracujá. In France and Italy, it is known as fruit de la passion and frutto della passione respectively.

When it comes to preparing passion fruit, it is important to select a ripe fruit. This can be identified by the wrinkled skin and a heavier weight for its size. To eat the fruit, cut it in half and scoop out the seeds and flesh with a spoon. The seeds are edible and can be consumed along with the flesh, or strained out to make a juice or sauce.

In conclusion, passion fruit is a delicious and nutritious fruit that has become popular worldwide. Its sweet and tart flavor, along with its health benefits, make it an excellent addition to any meal or drink. No matter what language you speak, the passion fruit is sure to tantalize your taste buds.



Passion fruit是“百香果”的英文,读音为[p???n fru?t]。它是一种热带水果,外壳呈椭圆形,味道浓郁,酸甜可口,因此被誉为“百香果”。

Passion fruit的花朵非常美丽,在传教士眼中,它与耶稣基督的苦难有着深刻的联系。据说,百香果的花瓣代表着耶稣基督的十字架,花心代表他的皇冠,花柱代表他的五伤口,花丝则代表了他身上的鞭痕。



Passion fruit是一种非常美味、健康的热带水果,它不仅在食品和饮品产业上有着广泛的应用,还可以帮助人们保持健康和美丽。


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