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Recycling is an important practice for preserving our environment and conserving resources. Whether it’s glass jars, plastic bottles, or old newspapers, many items can be reused or repurposed, preventing them from ending up in landfills or polluting our oceans. In English, we use the term “recycling” to refer to this process of collecting, sorting, and processing materials to make them usable again.

There are many ways to talk about recycling in English. Here are a few common phrases and terms you might encounter:

- Recycling: This is the most basic term for the practice of reusing materials. When we talk about “recycling,” we usually mean taking materials like paper, plastic, or metal and turning them into new products.

- Waste reduction: This term refers to any action that helps reduce the amount of waste we produce. This might include reusing items, composting food scraps, or simply being more mindful about the things we throw away.

- Upcycling: Upcycling is a more creative form of recycling that involves turning waste into something new and useful. For example, an old tire might be upcycled into a garden planter, or a wine bottle might be transformed into a vase.

- E-waste: Electronic waste, or e-waste, refers to any electronic device that is no longer in use. This might include old computers, cell phones, or televisions. E-waste can be recycled, but it requires special handling due to the toxic chemicals that are often present in electronic devices.

- Sustainable: When something is “sustainable,” it means that it is designed to minimize its impact on the environment. Recycling is one example of a sustainable practice.

In addition to these terms, you might hear other related vocabulary, such as “composting,” “landfills,” and “greenhouse gases.” But no matter what words you use to talk about it, the important thing is to recognize that recycling is an essential part of being a responsible global citizen. Start small by separating your recyclables from your regular trash and encouraging others to do the same. Together, we can make a difference in protecting our planet and preserving its resources for future generations.




最常见的动词应该是“recycle”。这个单词的意思是“回收利用”,它包含了“保护环境、节约资源”的两个核心意义。例如,当我们将废纸放入回收箱时,我们可以说“I'm recycling paper.”

除了“recycle”之外,还有一些其他的动词可以用来表达回收的意义。例如,“recover”这个单词可以表示将废弃物转化为新的原材料。例如,当我们将塑料瓶回收后再加工成新的塑料制品时,我们可以说 “The company recovers plastic bottles to make new products.” 同时,还有动词“reuse”,意思是“重复使用”,它可以描述通过再次使用物品来达到减少浪费的目的。例如,当我们用旧的袋子去购物时,我们可以说“I'm reusing my old bag.”

除此之外,还有一些其他的动词可以描述回收行为。例如,“collect”可以表示收集回收物品,例如“Volunteers collect recyclables from homes on weekends.” 同时,“sort”这个单词可以表示将回收物品分类,例如“Workers sort the recyclables by type at the recycling plant.”



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