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1. Parent-teacher conference 家长会议

- Our school is having a parent-teacher conference next week.


2. Agenda 议程

- Can you send me a copy of the agenda for the next parent-teacher conference?


3. PTA (Parent-Teacher Association) 家长会

- I joined the PTA to help improve communication between parents and teachers.


4. Volunteer service 志愿服务

- Are there any volunteer service opportunities available through the PTA?


5. Fundraiser 募捐活动

- The PTA is organizing a fundraiser to raise money for new playground equipment.


6. Classroom behavior 教室行为

- How is your child's classroom behavior? Does he get along well with others?


7. Homework 家庭作业

- My child is struggling with his homework. Do you have any suggestions to help him?


8. Grade level 年级

- What grade level is your child in this year?


9. Academic progress 学术进步

- I am very pleased with my child's academic progress this year.


10. Parent-teacher communication 家长和老师的沟通

- How do you prefer to communicate with parents, through email or phone calls?





Yesterday, a parent-teacher conference was held for our class. As my English teacher, I would like to share with you some phrases you could use to talk about it in English.

Firstly, you could say, "Yesterday, our class had a parent-teacher conference." This is a straightforward and simple way to convey the main idea. You could also use the phrase "parent-teacher meeting," which has the same meaning.

If you wanted to express that the conference was successful, you could say, "Yesterday's parent-teacher conference went very well." This indicates that the discussions were productive and that the teachers and parents had a meaningful exchange of ideas.

You might also want to mention specific topics discussed during the conference. For example, you could say something like, "We discussed the progress of the students and their performance in class." This conveys to the listener that important matters were talked about and that useful information was shared.

Another way to express that the conference was productive is to say, "We were able to address any concerns that parents had." This phrase indicates that issues were resolved and that everyone left the conference feeling satisfied.

When talking about a parent-teacher conference, it's also worth mentioning the importance of such events. You could say, "Having parent-teacher conferences is a great way to keep parents informed about their children's academic progress, and for teachers to gather feedback from parents." This highlights the significant role that parent-teacher conferences play in education.

In summary, there are a few different ways to talk about a parent-teacher conference in English. Whether you choose to simply state that the conference occurred or go into detail about specific topics discussed, remember to highlight the importance of these events and the value they hold for both parents and teachers alike.


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