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我们需要知道 “动物园” 在英语中是 zoo。如果你想说 “我要去动物园”,你可以说 “I want to go to the zoo。”当然,如果你想说你正好在动物园里面,可以说 “I am at the zoo”。

在动物园里面,会有很多不同种类的动物,比如 “lion”(狮子)、 “elephant”(大象)、 “panda”(熊猫)、 “giraffe”(长颈鹿)等等。如果你看到了某个动物想问它是什么,可以问 “What kind of animal is that?” 或者直接问 “What is that?”,别忘了在最后加上 “in the zoo” 或者 “at the zoo”,这样别人才知道你在问的是动物园里的动物。

除了观赏动物之外,动物园还有其他的娱乐项目,比如 “attractions”(游乐设施)和 “shows”(演出)。比如,如果你想看海豚表演,可以问工作人员 “When is the dolphin show?”,如果你想玩旋转木马,可以问工作人员 “Where is the carousel?”。

动物园里的工作人员通常会穿着工作服,有名牌上面写着 “zoo staff” 或者 “zookeeper”。如果你需要询问工作人员关于动物的问题,可以说 “Excuse me, can you tell me more about this animal?”,如果你需要咨询一下景点资讯,可以问 “Excuse me, can you tell me where the toilet is?”。

如果你想要购买一些纪念品或者礼物,你可以走进 “souvenir shop”(纪念品店)或者 “gift shop”(礼品店),如果你在外面坐了一天,累了想找一个地方休息一下,你可以去 “rest area”(休息区)。




Last weekend, my family and I went to the zoo. It was a wonderful experience and we had a lot of fun exploring different exhibits and seeing various animals up close.

We started our day by heading straight towards the lion exhibit, where we were lucky enough to see two majestic lions roaming around in their enclosure. The kids were fascinated, and we spent quite some time observing their behavior and learning about their habitat and diet.

Next up was the giraffe exhibit, where we got to witness the tallest animal in the world in action. The kids were thrilled to see them up close and even got to feed them some leaves, which they loved.

After that, we moved onto the monkey exhibit, where we saw a wide variety of primates swinging around from branches and swinging on ropes. The kids couldn't stop laughing at their antics and even tried to imitate them.

On our way to the next exhibit, we passed by a beautiful pond where we saw a family of ducks swimming happily. The kids were thrilled to see them up close and even tried to feed them some bread crumbs.

The last exhibit we visited was the reptile house, where we saw some of the world's most fascinating reptiles, including snakes, lizards, and turtles. The kids were amazed by the different types of reptiles and learned a lot about their behavior and habitat.

Overall, it was an incredible day spent with my family, exploring the beauty of nature and the animal kingdom. It was a great experience that we will always cherish and look forward to visiting again in the future.


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  • 本站站名: 知行礼动
  • 本文地址: /knowledge/detail/tanghecee
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