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1. Sunny

Sunny是描述天气晴朗的最常用词汇,它指的是没有云朵,阳光充足的天气。“It's a sunny day”即代表“今天晴朗”。

2. Clear

Clear和sunny的意思类似,但是它更强调空气质量和视野范围。“The sky is clear today”指的是“今天天空晴朗”。

3. Bright

Bright强调的是光线的强烈和明亮。“The sun is really bright today”即代表“今天阳光非常刺眼”。


4. Fine

Fine是用来形容没有风或者负面气息的晴朗天气的。“It's a fine day for a picnic”即代表“今天是一个很适合野餐的好天气”。

5. Cloudless

Cloudless指的是没有任何云朵的晴朗天气。“The sky is absolutely cloudless today”即代表“今天天空绝对没有云朵”。

6. Radiant

Radiant强调的是阳光的明亮照耀。“The landscape looks radiant under the clear sky”即代表“在晴朗的天空下,风景看起来非常明亮”。




Today is Sunday, the weather is sunny. It is a perfect day to enjoy outdoor activities or take a leisurely stroll. The blue sky is dotted with fluffy white clouds, giving the day a tranquil and serene atmosphere.

People from all walks of life are out and about, enjoying the sunshine and fresh air. Families are spending time in parks, playing games, and having picnics. Others are taking advantage of the weather to go for a bike ride or a jog. The streets are busy, but the air is filled with a cheerful energy.

The temperature is perfect, not too hot or too cold. It is just the right temperature for gardening, reading a book outdoors, or simply relaxing in the shade. Everyone seems to be in a good mood, smiling and saying hello to each other as they go about their day.

With a clear sky, the sun is shining bright, casting long shadows on the ground. It's the perfect time to take some amazing photos or capture memories with a loved one.

As the day goes on, the sky slowly transforms into a warm orange and pink hue as the sun sets. It is a beautiful sight, signaling the end of a perfect day. The day was truly a gift, one that we will always cherish and remember.

In conclusion, today is a beautiful day with clear skies and a warm sun shining down on us. It's perfect for outdoor activities and spending time with loved ones. Let's make the most of this day and enjoy every moment.


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