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首先是动词 "wash",具体可以用以下几种形式:

1. wash dishes:代表洗碗具体的物品。

2. wash up:表示洗碗动作和简单打扫,包括把餐具/厨房用品放回原处等。

3. do the dishes:结合上下文,这可以意味着洗碗和打扫工作(如擦桌子、拖地等)的组合。


1. Dishwasher:指洗碗机,是一种自动化的清洁设备,可以代替手工洗碗。

2. Dish soap:可以作为指示洗涤剂的专业术语,也可以简单地称为 "soap"。

3. Sponge:海绵,一种可以清洗碗具表面的道具。

4. Rinse:冲洗,表示洗完餐具后过水洗干净。

5. Dry:指干燥,通常是指把餐具晾干以及奶嘴大致弄干。

6. Dish rack:指一个放餐具和厨房用品的架子,通常用于晾干餐具。





When we travel or live abroad, we may encounter some language barriers that make communication difficult, especially when it comes to everyday tasks. For example, if you are in an English-speaking country and need to tell someone that your mother is washing dishes, you may not know exactly how to say it in English.

To begin with, let's understand how we normally say this in English. The most common way to express this is "My mother is washing dishes." This is a simple and straightforward sentence that conveys the message clearly. Alternatively, you can also say "My mom is doing the dishes," which means the same thing.

In terms of vocabulary, it's important to remember that "washing dishes" and "doing the dishes" both refer to the act of cleaning plates, bowls, and other kitchen utensils after a meal. These phrases are used interchangeably in English, so you can feel free to use either one depending on your preference.

Moreover, if you want to add more details to the sentence, such as the location where your mother is washing the dishes, you can also say "My mother is washing the dishes in the kitchen," which specifies where the action is happening. Similarly, you can say "My mom is doing the dishes in the sink," to indicate the specific area where the washing is taking place.

In conclusion, if you need to say "My mother is washing dishes" in English, you have a few options. You can use either "washing dishes" or "doing the dishes" to describe the action, and you can add more details such as the location if needed. Learning common phrases related to everyday activities like this can help you navigate language barriers and communicate more effectively in English-speaking environments.


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