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As we all know, "青苹果" is a type of apple that is not fully ripe and has a sour taste. It is a popular fruit in many countries and can be enjoyed in a variety of ways. But how do we say "青苹果" in English?

The answer is "green apple". In English, the word "green" is often used to describe things that are not fully ripe or mature, and this applies to apples as well. So, if you want to order a "青苹果" when shopping or dining abroad, you can simply ask for a "green apple".

Green apples are not only sour, but also nutritious. They are particularly high in fiber, which is good for digestion and helps to reduce cholesterol levels. They also contain vitamins C and K, which support a healthy immune system and blood clotting respectively. It is therefore important to include green apples as part of a balanced diet.

In addition to being eaten as a snack, green apples can also be used in a variety of recipes. They can be sliced up and added to salads, or baked into pies and other desserts. Some people even enjoy dipping slices of green apple into peanut butter or caramel sauce for a sweet and crunchy treat.

Overall, "青苹果" is another example of how language can vary across different cultures, but the enjoyment of good food remains universal. Whether you call it "青苹果" or "green apple", this fruit is a healthy and delicious choice that can be enjoyed in many ways.



"What are green apples?"--青苹果用英语怎么说?

当我们谈论水果时,苹果绝对是不可忽视的一种。 苹果有不同的品种和颜色,其中一种就是所谓的“青苹果”(Green Apples)。那么,“青苹果”用英语怎么说呢?

在英语中,“青苹果”通常被称为“green apples”,也有时被称为“Granny Smith apples”,后者是因为其最常见的品种之一是 “Granny Smith”。这种苹果通常呈浅绿色,具有酸味和清爽的口感。

与其他苹果品种相比,“青苹果”具有独特的特点。由于其较高的柠檬酸含量,使其成为烹饪和烘焙的理想选择。烹饪过程中,酸味每个人都无可厚非, 水果和甜点的口感更加平衡。此外,“青苹果”也常常用来制作果酱,以及苏打水和汁的原材料。


“青苹果”是一种为人们熟知的水果,其英文名称为“green apples”。尽管它可能比其他苹果品种更酸,但其独特的美味决定了其被广泛应用于烹饪和烘焙,并在健康方面也有很多好处。


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