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常用来形容温暖的词汇有 cozy 和 snug。Cozy 是指温馨舒适的,使人感到安逸的,通常用于形容一个小而温馨的空间。例如,一个有着柔软坐垫的小客厅或一个壁炉旁边的小房间都可以用 cozy 来形容。而 snug 则表示舒适而温暖的感觉,通常是指一个物品或空间的大小与形状很符合人体的需求,可以让人感到温馨而安慰,例如一件柔软舒适的衣服或一张柔软的床铺。

除了 cozy 和 snug,warmhearted 和 welcomable 也是表达温暖的常用词汇。Warmhearted 意为热情、亲切、友好,通常用来形容一个人或一个环境。例如,一位对所有人都热情友好的主人或一个氛围温馨的家庭都可以用 warmhearted 来形容。而 welcomable 则表示易于接受的、受欢迎的, 这个词通常用来形容一个人的性格或行为。例如,一个深受人们欢迎的雇主或一个容易接受新想法的企业都可以用 welcomable 来形容。

还有一个用来表达温暖的词语是 heartfelt,意为由心底发出的,常常用于表达诚挚、真诚、温馨、感人的意思。例如,一封充满真挚情感的感谢信或一份由衷深情的祝福都可以用 heartfelt 来形容。




In today's fast-paced modern society, people are facing various challenges and difficulties. Sometimes we feel lost, helpless, and exhausted. At these moments, what we need the most is warmth. But how to express the need to be comforted in English, the global language?

Well, the phrase "I need warmth" is a straightforward way to express this need. It conveys the enthusiasm to be comforted and surrounded by love and care. Another way to express this sentiment is to say, "I need a hug." It clearly indicates the need for physical contact, which is an excellent means of conveying warmth and emotional support.

If we're feeling lonely and looking for someone to talk to, we can say, "I need someone to talk to." It illustrates the need for social connection and interaction, which can provide instant comfort and friendship, among other things. Besides, we can use the phrase "I need support" to indicate that we need someone to be there for us emotionally, mentally, or physically.

When we're feeling under the weather, we can say, "I need compassion." It means we need someone to show us kindness, empathy, and understanding. It's essential in such times as it makes us feel that we're not alone, and people care about us.

Finally, when we're experiencing a period of uncertainty in life, we can say, "I need reassurance." This phrase conveys that we require someone to provide us with encouragement, guidance, and affirmation to help us through the challenging times.

In conclusion, expressing one's need for warmth is essential for one's emotional well-being. There are many different ways to express this sentiment, including phrases like "I need a hug," "I need support," or "I need reassurance." By using these phrases, we can help ourselves connect with others and feel more emotionally supported when facing the challenges of modern life.


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