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谈论天气的英语对话 谈论天气的英语对话四人 (谈论天气的英语对话口语交际)



  • 1、英语小对话四人组关于天气情况(不少于二十句)


A: sigh... 唉 (叹气)

B: Why? 怎么了?


A: Do you see the weather forcast for tomorrow? 你看见明天的天气预报了吗?

B: Yeh... It's said it's going to rain. 额, 是的, 它说明天下雨。

C: No! It's the haze! 不是! 是明天有雾霾!

A: Yes, it's the haze again! I hate the pollution. 是的, 又是雾霾! 我讨厌空气污染。

D: So, we can't go out tomorrow? Oh, no, it's the weekend. We planned to go out to the park. 那我们明天不能出去啦? 哦, 不要, 明天是周末。 我们想好的要去销粗尺公园的。

C: No, we can't. We can only stay inside the house, because of the haze. 不, 我们不能去了。 因为雾霾我们只能呆在房子里亏高面。

D: When can it get better? 什么时候会好转?

A: Who knows. 谁知道。

B: It's said it'd be getting better next Tuesday. 据说下周二会好一点。

C: We really should do something to protect our environment. Otherwise we will need wear the mask every day. 我们真应该做些什么来保护环境了。 不然的话, 我们将要每天都戴着面具口罩。

A: And it's bad to our health too. 而凳银且雾霾对于我们的健康也有很大影响。

B: I saw more and more people cough and go to hospital now. 我看到越来越多的人咳嗽, 去医院。

D: But what can we do? 但是我们能做些什么呢?

C: If there are less cars, there will be less exhaust. 如果没有那么多汽车, 就没有那么多尾气排放。

B: That's right. We can take more public transportation, like buses and subways. 对的。 我们可以更多的利用公共交通, 比如公共汽车和地铁。

D: We should plant more trees to clean the air. 我们应该多种树来清洗空气。

A: For us, we can also save water and electricity to proctect the environment. 对我们来说,我们也可以节约用水和用电来保护环境。

B, C, D: Yes, protect the environement is the most important part now. 是的, 保护环境是目前最重要的了。



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  • 本文地址: /knowledge/detail/tanhchhgef
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