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- There is a fire in the building.

- Please use the fire extinguisher to put out the fire.

- In case of fire, please exit the building immediately.


- I need to call an ambulance, my friend is not breathing.

- The ambulance arrived in 10 minutes and rushed the patient to the hospital.

- Please dial 911 for an ambulance in case of emergency.

此外,还有一些其他的危险情况需要特别注意。比如,电击(electric shock)和溺水(drowning)等。正确的使用方式应该是:

- He died of electric shock while trying to fix the wiring.

- If you see someone drowning, please call for help immediately.

- Always turn off the power before doing any electrical work to avoid electric shock.




Climbing Mount Everest - is it dangerous or worth the risk?

Mount Everest, standing at an elevation of 8,848 meters, is the highest peak in the world. It has always been a dream for many mountaineers to climb to its summit. However, climbing Mount Everest is not an easy feat and is often considered one of the riskiest expeditions a person can undertake. So is it worth the risk?

There are a few factors that make climbing Mount Everest dangerous, including altitude sickness, avalanches, and extreme weather conditions. Altitude sickness, also known as acute mountain sickness (AMS), is a common condition that can occur when individuals are exposed to high altitude environments. Symptoms of AMS include headache, nausea, and shortness of breath, and it can be fatal if not treated promptly.

Avalanches are also a significant concern for those climbing Mount Everest. The higher elevations of the mountain are prone to avalanches, which can sweep away climbers in a matter of seconds. In fact, some of the deadliest incidents on Mount Everest have been due to avalanches.

Lastly, extreme weather conditions make climbing Mount Everest even more dangerous. The temperature can drop to -40°C, and winds can become violent, causing hypothermia and frostbite. In May 1996, eight climbers died on the mountain due to a sudden storm that hit, leaving them stranded without shelter.

Despite the dangers, many consider the risk of climbing Mount Everest to be worth the reward. Reaching the summit of Mount Everest is the ultimate achievement for many climbers and is seen as a challenge to push one's limits. Additionally, the journey to the top of the mountain is an adventurous and fulfilling experience in itself, with stunning views and unforgettable memories.

It is important to acknowledge that climbing Mount Everest is not for everyone and requires proper training and preparation. Climbers must also take safety precautions seriously and be aware of their limits. It is important to understand the risks involved and make informed decisions about whether or not to attempt the climb.

In conclusion, climbing Mount Everest is considered a risky endeavor due to various factors such as altitude sickness, avalanches, and extreme weather conditions. However, for those who are up for the challenge, the rewards and sense of achievement are irreplaceable. Ultimately, the decision to climb Mount Everest is a personal one that must be made with caution, preparation, and an understanding of the risks involved.


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