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我们来看看“改变”在英语中的几种常用表达方式。最基本的表达方式是change,例如“I want to change my hairstyle”(我想改变我的发型);另一种表达方式是alter,意思也是“改变”,例如“You can’t alter the past, but you can learn from it”(过去是无法改变的,但你可以从中学习)。

此外,改变也可以用动词 名词的形式来表达。例如,transform意为“转变”,可以用来表示在某些方面发生了根本性的变化,例如“The city has been transformed by new development projects”(这个城市因为新开发项目而发生了根本性的变化);而modify意为“修改”,可以表示对某些事物进行了一些小的改动,例如“Could you please modify this document for me?”(你能为我修改一下这个文件吗?)。

此外,在英语中还有一些跟“改变”相关的成语和短语,例如make a difference(有所改变),例如“This project will make a real difference to people’s lives”(这个项目将对人们的生活产生真正的影响);break the mold(打破陈规),例如“Her unique approach to teaching really breaks the mold”(她独特的教学方式真的打破了陈规)。




My Appearance Has Changed

Over the years, our appearance goes through a natural evolution. It could be due to different phases of life, such as growing up, aging, or health changes. For me, my appearance has recently gone through a transformation due to a conscious effort to take care of my well-being.

I used to be quite neglectful of my physical health, and my appearance showed it. I had dark circles under my eyes and a pale complexion. My hair was always frizzy and untidy, and I didn't pay much attention to washing my face or moisturizing properly. I was unhappy, to say the least.

However, a few months ago, I made a conscious decision to take better care of myself. I started by incorporating a daily exercise routine and eating healthier. I also made it a point to get enough sleep every night. As a result, my complexion improved, and the dark circles under my eyes disappeared. I began to feel more confident and noticed a change in the way people looked at me.

I also started taking care of my hair by using natural hair products and getting it trimmed regularly. I learned how to manage my curly hair, and now it looks more defined and less frizzy. I began to embrace my natural features, such as my freckles, rather than covering them up with makeup. I also started investing more time in skincare and found a routine that works for me. My face became smoother and more radiant.

In conclusion, my appearance has experienced a positive transformation due to my efforts to take care of my well-being. I learned that taking care of oneself goes beyond just physical health. It also includes mental and emotional health and embracing one's natural features. I feel more confident and happy with my new look, and I look forward to continuing to take care of myself both inside and out.


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