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Asking someone what their interests are is a common conversation starter in many cultures. To ask what someone likes in English, you can use the phrase "what do you like?" or "what are your interests?".

Sometimes, you may want to be more specific and ask what they like in a certain area. For example, if you are talking to a music lover, you might ask "what kind of music do you like?" or "who is your favorite musician?". If you are talking to a foodie, you might ask "what kind of cuisine do you enjoy?" or "what is your favorite restaurant?".

Additionally, you can ask about someone's hobbies or activities they enjoy. For example, you can ask "what do you like to do in your free time?" or "do you have any hobbies?". This can lead to a deeper conversation about the person's interests and can help you find common ground to connect on.

It's important to remember that everyone has different likes and interests, and it's okay if they are not the same as yours. Asking someone about their likes and interests is a great way to get to know them better and build a connection. So next time you meet someone new, start the conversation by asking "what do you like?" and see where it takes you.



When asking about someone's likes and dislikes in English, there are a variety of phrases and structures that can be used. Here are some possible ways to respond to the question "What does he like?" in English:

1. He likes to play video games.

This is a simple sentence that tells us what activity the person enjoys doing. Other examples could be "He likes to read books" or "He likes to go hiking."

2. He is a fan of basketball.

This sentence uses the phrase "a fan of" to indicate that the person enjoys watching or following a specific sport or team. Similarly, one could say "He is a fan of soccer" or "He is a fan of the New York Yankees."

3. He is into music.

Using the phrase "into" shows that the person has a strong interest in a certain area, such as music, art, or fashion. For example, "She is into fashion" or "He is really into cooking."

4. His favorite food is pizza.

This sentence tells us about the person's favorite type of food. Other examples could be "Her favorite drink is coffee" or "His favorite dessert is chocolate cake."

5. He enjoys spending time with his family.

This phrase shows that the person values spending time with loved ones. Other examples could be "She enjoys traveling with friends" or "He enjoys volunteering at the local animal shelter."

In addition to these examples, there are many other ways to talk about someone's likes and preferences in English. It's important to remember that different people will have different interests and tastes, so there is no one "correct" way to answer the question "What does he like?" Being able to use a variety of phrases and structures can help you have more meaningful conversations and understand others better.


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