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When it comes to telling time in English, there are a few ways to go about it. The most common and standard way to express "1:30" in English would be to say "one-thirty." This phrase uses the words "one" to represent the hour and "thirty" to represent the minutes. It’s important to note that while some languages use a comma or period to distinguish between hours and minutes, English only uses the colon.

Another variation of expressing 1:30 in English would be to say "half past one." This is a more informal way to tell time and sees use more frequently in spoken conversation. In this case, the phrase "half past" is used in place of the numerical time for anything thirty minutes post the hour. For example, "half past six" would represent 6:30.

It’s worth noting that 1:30 pm is usually expressed with "in the afternoon" or "in the evening" to specify that it is not the early morning hours of the day. So, "1:30 in the afternoon" indicates 1:30 pm. On the other hand, "1:30 in the morning" would indicate 1:30 am.

It’s also worth mentioning that the United States and Great Britain have a different way of designating hours after noon. Americans often use the terms "a.m" and "p.m." to represent the time of day. In contrast, British people use the 24-hour clock system, and they don't use "a.m." or "p.m." You could say, "one-thirty in the afternoon" or "thirteen-thirty" using the 24-hour clock system.

To sum up, the standard way to express “1:30” in English is “one-thirty,” while the more colloquial way is “half past one.” Additionally, the phrases “in the afternoon” or “in the evening” can help distinguish whether it is 1:30 pm or 1:30 am.



When it comes to expressing the time of 1:30 in English, there are multiple ways to do so. Here are three common ways to state the time:

1. One-thirty: This is the most straightforward way of saying 1:30. You simply say "one-thirty" and everyone will understand that you mean 1:30.

2. Half-past one: This is another common way of expressing the time of 1:30. In this way of stating the time, you would say "half-past one." This phrase can be used for any time where the minute hand of a clock is pointing at the 6. For example, you could also use "half-past four" to indicate 4:30.

3. One thirty in the afternoon: If you need to specify whether it is morning or afternoon, you can use this phrase to make it clear. When you say "one thirty in the afternoon," it leaves no room for confusion as to whether you mean 1:30 AM or 1:30 PM.

It's important to note that there are other ways to express the time of 1:30 as well. For example, in military time, 1:30 is written as 1330. Additionally, some people may say "one-thirty in the evening" instead of "one-thirty in the afternoon" if it is later in the day.

In conclusion, there are multiple ways to express the time of 1:30 in English. By using one of these three phrases – "one-thirty," "half-past one," or "one thirty in the afternoon" – you can be sure that your listener will understand exactly what time you mean.


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